From the moment Kiran and Karm started planning their wedding they knew they wanted to keep it to more of an intimate affair. After an incredible vacation in the Dominican Republic they quickly decided on the Hard Rock Punta Cana resort for their destination wedding.

While Hard Rock Punta Cana is a massive all inclusive resort with five star amenities, they have enough venues for any sized wedding. Kiran and Karm had a joint maiyan ceremony on the lawn under a canopy of palm trees and string lights. Delicious food, great entertainment and the warm weather all made for an amazing night.

Their indian wedding ceremony the following morning took place on a private part of the beach at Hard Rock Punta Cana.


Vendors that helped make this Indian destination wedding in the Dominican Republic happen:

Planner // Big Phat Indian Weddings

Hair + Makeup // Nahlini Maharaj

Videographer // Intuno

DJ // DJ 151

Photographer // Mathias Fast Photography


Thanks for stopping by! If you are planning a destination wedding at Hard Rock Punta Cana and still need a photographer I would love to hear from you. Please use the contact form at the top of the page or email me directly at